Previous Equipment

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Meade 60mm alt-az f/15? refractor (1993-1995)

This was my first telescope. It was a very small telescope and not the best of quality but i did get nice views of the moon and very small veiws of jupiter, saturn and venus. I quickly became very frustrated with it and sold it to fund my 6" starfinder telescope.

Edmond scientific 6" newtonaina 1970's version

Ive aquired this telescope from my highschool and it was demaged and in peices. It was supposed to be a restoration project that never happened so eventualy I sold the mirror and other parts and threw out the rest. No pictures of this one either.

Meade 6" F10 Starfinder Dobsonian Newtonian Telescope (1995-1997) No pics

I dont have a picture for this telescope but this telescope proved to be the most usefull in learning the way through the sky and learning how to find deepsky objects. It was the easiest to set up since its only a rocker box and the tube and it provided me with some great views of the deepsky and some great planetary and lunar views. This telescope I owned before i learned astrophotography. Ofcourse this telescope is strictly an observational telescope and is not capable of astrophotography. It was a great telescope and very happy that i owned it! I sold this telescope to afford the 10" LX50 SCT. Sorry i have no pictures of this one.

La mansion de astronomie 5.1" F6 short tube reflector

Another telescope that has had little use was this 5.1" telescope. I meant to buy it for wide angle deepsky observing which did work quite nicely but found myself not using it all that much so I eventualy sold it to fund for other accesories. I had the telescope for less then a year and did make homemade mounting system as seen in the image. Just another hopefull telescope that i never got interested on.

Meade 4" 2045 F10 Schmidt Cassegrain Telescope (2002-2005)

This telescope has had little use from me. It is a very old 1980's telescope which was in good condition. Unfortunately when it got shipped to me the secondary mirror fell out of its housing and scratched the primary mirror. I did fix it but it never quite providedn great views and I found myself using my 10" LX 50 scope alot more often. I did make a homemade mounting plate so that it attaches to my tripod of the 10" telescope as seen in the picture but again hardly used it. I eventualy sold it to fund for my 5 " mak telescope.

Meade 10" LX50 F10 Schmidt Cassegrain Telescope (1997-2003)

This telescope was a great scope. It provided great views of the planets and deepsky. Opticaly, the quality of images is about the same as my newer LX200 scope but it does lack the goto capabilities that my LX200 has. This scope has served me well and i have countles hours of use on this one. Not to mention this was my first scope by which I learned astrophotography both by film and digital. This telescope has proved to be a vital tool in my astronomy and astrophotography interests. I sold this telescope so that I could upgrade to the LX200 version for its goto capabilities which ofcourse came at a much higher price! Both images show other equipment such as the pantex K2 SLR film camera which i no longer use due to the digital cameras and also shows my 80mm celestron telescope which I still use today. Other things seen on the images was my home made counter weight system and my home made piggy back system as well as the right angle 8x50 finder and telrad which became VERY usefull in finding deepsky objects!